news archives

INFINITA SYMPHONIA announce the special guests of new album “Liberation”

INFINITA SYMPHONIA, waiting to make us listen to the first sounds taken from “Liberation” (the next October 30th we will launch the videoclip of “Never Forget”), introduce us some of the special guests who enrich the beauty of their upcoming third album. The first guest is the legendary RALF SCHEEPERS (PRIMAL FEAR) who will duet… Read More…

INFINITA SYMPHONIA unveil new album cover and tracklist

On December 7th 2018, Power Progressive Metallers INFINITA SYMPHONIA will release their third album “Liberation” which amazing cover was painted by the talented Italian artist Silvia Muraca. Track listing is as follows: 1. Hope – 2. The Time Has Come – 3. Never Forget – 4. How Do You Feel? – 5. Coma – 6…. Read More…

Digital reissues for INFINITA SYMPHONIA’s early releases

“Liberation”, the long-awaited INFINITA SYMPHONIA‘s return, will be released on December 7th and beyond any doubt it will paint new musical landscapes with the intention to finally reach the well deserved international recognition (in this sense the agreement signed with Rock On Agency very active booking agency based in Rome). In the meantime, together with… Read More…

CROWN OF AUTUMN: new deal and new album!

Latest album “Splendours From The Dark” was a great success and marked CROWN OF AUTUMN‘s return to the scene after 14 years of silence. Now it’s time to come back more powerful than ever and they’ll do it with a new album titled “Byzantine Horizons” that is going to be ultimated in these days at… Read More…