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CROWN OF AUTUMN present “Lorica” audio track

Italy’s epic, anthemic Dark Metal ensemble CROWN OF AUTUMN have just launched their second track from band’s upcoming album “Byzantine Horizons”. It is “Lorica” and shows the heaviest and most extreme side of the new release. Enjoy it here: “Byzantine Horizons”, 3rd chapter of CROWN OF AUTUMN twenty-year career, presents a perfect balance between… Read More…

The new album by EMBRACE OF DISHARMONY is “De Rervm Natvra”

It was 2014 when EMBRACE OF DISHARMONY released their debut album “Humananke”. Five years have passed and the band is ready to tread again the scenes with the successor of that lucky album that launched them in the music scene. The new creature is titled “De Rervm Natvra” and will be released by My Kingdom Music… Read More…

CROWN OF AUTUMN present “Cyclopean” their first official videoclip

The Italian Dark Metal veterans CROWN OF AUTUMN are now premiering the very first track taken from their upcoming album “Byzantine Horizons”. The official videoclip “Cyclopean”, filmed in the wonderful location of Palazzo Gonzaga Guerrieri in Volta Mantovana (MN), Italy by Mattia Stancioiu and Nelb Rodrigues and edited by Emanuele Rastelli, is now streaming at… Read More…


Thanks a lot to Marco Gallarati and for this great, fantastic, thorough track by track of the new upcoming CROWN OF AUTUMN album titled “Byzantine Horizons”. Read it from the first to the last line and you’ll be overwhelmed by a great description of the music and of the lyrics on “Byzantine Horizons”. No… Read More…