Previously scheduled for this summer, we decided to release the debut album of the Italian Death Blacksters DEATHCVLT on October also because we have reached an agreement with other partners which will permit us to have a strong world-wide distribution. Simply titled “Deathcvlt”, the album features artwork created by Riv of Aggrezzor Production, while the… Read More…
Welcome to the full album advance streaming of “I’m Gold, I’m God”, the second L’ALBA DI MORRIGAN album out on June 18th, 2021, an amazing piece of dark art that signs the return to the scene of the band after 9 years of silence. Listen to “I’m Gold, I’m God” in advance only on My… Read More…
>>> OUT NOW <<< OBSOLETE THEORY “Dawnfall” digiCD/digital Delirant Post Black Metal in the steps of Behemoth, Enslaved, Mgla, Agalloch ORDER / STREAM NOW: “Dawnfall” is the OBSOLETE THEORY’s sophomore album and pushes their vision of dark music to new levels with a more extreme, sick and violent release. They present a manifesto of… Read More…
Just a few hours and on friday May 21st the new OBSOLETE THEORY album “Dawnfall†will be released word-widely. “Dawnfall” is the 2nd chapter of their career, a Post Black Metal album in the vein of Behemoth, Enslaved, Mgla, Agalloch, Alcest. You can listen to the full album in advance at the player below. –… Read More…