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The cover of INCANTVM’s “Maleficia” is revealed

“Maleficia” is the new vicious album created by INCANTVM. Out in February 2025 via My Kingdom Music, we reveal today the cover artwork of the album, a great photo by Riccardo Ziosi with Carlotta Vignocchi as evil model, and the tracklist: 1. Rinascita – 2. Donna Prudentia – 3. Gli Esorcismi di Canidia e Sàgana… Read More…


Post fata resurgo – after death I rise: it is what EDYAKARAN represents, a new Post Metal project which, like a phoenix, rises from the ashes of IN TORMENTATA QUIETE and arrives at My Kingdom Music.Made up of 3/4 IN TORMENTATA QUIETE members [Lorenzo Rinaldi (gt), Francesco Paparella (dr), Antonio Ricco (ky) with the addition… Read More…

BERLIAL unveil new album cover artwork

French Evocative Black Metallers BERLIAL are proud to unveil the cover artwork of the new album “Nourishing The Disaster To Come” realized by the talented artist Jeff Grimal.The French duo explains this choice: “The artwork depicts Charon sailing through the waste piles of the 6th continent. Sorrowful souls, reminiscent of the migrants dying in the… Read More…

A.M.E.N. reveal cover and details of “Argento”

The new album by A.M.E.N. “Argento” is an extremely intimate and avant-garde work, which seems recorded in a smoky Jazz club in New Orleans, moving from typically Jazz and Blues structures to moments of pure Dark Doom, all with  Erba Del Diavolo’s voice becoming protagonist like never before thanks to an interpretation that moves from… Read More…