HELFIR sign a new contract. New album in June.

Described as a new interpreter of decadence, after the release of “Still Bleeding” in 2015 on My Kingdom Music and the great tour together with ORPHANED LAND, where the band experienced unforgettable memories and groundbreaking events, HELFIR led by Luca Mazzotta’s creature, took a break to concentrate on the song-writing process for the new release.

The second album titled “The Human Defeat” is ready and it will be released in June once again on My Kingdom Music which have renewed their co-operation with a new record deal.

“This record bares completely my artistic influences” – said Luca Mazzotta – “and gathers all the musical facets of my influences from the most obscure Metal side to the melodic and acoustic one.
This time the themes will focus on environment and, through memories, it tells about the battle between man and nature. When this battle is over what remains will be only a regret and a memory. I am really looking forward to sharing it with you”.

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